Developing your potential

your won potential. Learn to build on your
strengths and to develop the personal qualities
that are the keys to performing well.
beings have many talents that can
be turned into engines of success. Yet The
best performance requires more than mere
talent: it involves developing a number of
important personal strength, including
determination, vision, and confidence.
be turned into engines of success. Yet The
best performance requires more than mere
talent: it involves developing a number of
important personal strength, including
determination, vision, and confidence.
assessing yourself
You know what comes easily to you, and
these strength can be developed fairly rapidly.
Yet your natural powers may not be enough.
To reach your full potential, you
need to
develop all the key attributes. For example,
a lack of confidence is a general barrier to
advancing in business management. If you
are someone who has fillings of low
self-esteem, or you lake the courage of
maximize your self-confidence. Begin
your self-development by looking
objectively at your abilities and were
they most need to be improved.
You know what comes easily to you, and
these strength can be developed fairly rapidly.
Yet your natural powers may not be enough.

develop all the key attributes. For example,
a lack of confidence is a general barrier to
advancing in business management. If you
are someone who has fillings of low
self-esteem, or you lake the courage of
maximize your self-confidence. Begin
your self-development by looking
objectively at your abilities and were
they most need to be improved.
How to
assess yourself
Have you written down high and stretching target and planned how you
are going to achieve them?
Have you formed a clear idea of where you want to be and what you
want to be doing in five years’ time?
Do you feel able to do anything that is needed now, do it well, and
master new abilities and tasks as required?
Do you believe in your own ability to judge a risk as worth taking
and to take your chances effectively?
Can you bring full mental powers to bear on an issue, to decide on
the right action, and see it through?
Are you never satisfied until you have clearly won all the prizes
against the best competition around?
Are you a relentless perfectionist who constantly seeks to improve
and to get others to do the same?
Can you mobilize others to achieve group ambitions, as well as
develop other leaders and bring them forward?
If you are
unsure how you rate in a particular area, such as your ability to lead, get
objective feedback from somebody else. Once you have all the facts, you can
create a vision of where you want to be in the future. Draw up a mission plan
of how to get there.
Ask a mentor, colleague, or friend to check whether you have
exaggerated your strengths all under-played your weaknesses.
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