Wednesday, October 18, 2017



Having efficiently allocated your time, you must ensure that you are being as productive as possible within those time restraints. Find ways of measuring your personal performance, set higher targets, and improve process to close the gap. 


You can always find measure of output and effectiveness. How quickly do you answer your phone? How punctual are you? Do you clear your desk every night? Once you have chosen measures that fit your working pattern. look at the processes you use to see if you can cut out or speed up any stage. People often develop working habits without questioning their effectiveness - if you can change this habits for the better, do so. 


Quality  is essential. High output at low standards is not productive. For example, responding to letters promptly is worth much less if the letters are badly written, unclear, and inaccurate. the same obvious truth applies to all your work. Take time before beginning any task to decide on the best approach and the objectives - both what you want to achieve and how the work will be presented. It may be wise to put problems on the side, rather than delay the whole work, returning to the difficult areas when the task is broadly finished.


Before handing over your work, ,make sure that you are truly satisfied that it has been well done. Be your own strictest inspector, and always allow enough time for review and revision.


One simple way of improving productivity is to concentrate on activities that control personally, rather than on those that are outside your control. Set yourself new, higher, productivity targets - for example, if you tend to turn up late for meetings, resolve to be punctual every time. Look at the way in which you structure your day in terms of your own productivity. if you know that your energy levels tend to flag during the  middle of the afternoon, scheduling an arduous, complicated task for this time of day would not be productive. You might achieve far more by tackling such a complex job early in the morning. 

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