Think deeply about your criteria for success at work. Is your criteria to get the job done at whatever cost? Does the means justify the end? What sort of work relationships do you want? Reflect upon the impact work has on the rest of your life. Does work enrich the whole of your life or has your home life became merely a rest from work? Each day, ask yourself, "How do I know if I have been successful at work or not? " Be specific. Think about the quality of your relationships. How important is your self-development and learning? Start to write down your criteria.
This manager found that strong commitment to his roles and goals, and an ability to remain focused, were deciding factors in his success.IDENTIFYING ROLES
A role defines an area of responsibility, such as being a manager, parent, partner, or friend. To enjoy a healthy work life balance you must define each of your roles. Be careful not to neglect your most important roles. For example, be aware that your role as a parent can be damaged if you consistently prioritize your work above your family. Your role as a husband or a wife can suffer if you spend too much time and energy on your career or your children. And friendships can be lost if you do not make the time to pick up the phone. Be clear and flexible in your roles.
Think about the critical roles in your life. When you are setting your criteria for success, consider what you want to achieve in these roles so that you can excel in them.SUCCEEDING IN LIFE
Think about your life as a whole - your family, friends, leisure pursuits, personal development goals, and involvement in your community. How significant a pert do you want to play in the development of your children? What do you consider to be success in your friendships. What are your favorite leisure pursuits what are your personal development goals? Realize that success is about all aspect of life, and not just about work.
If your prioritize is to further your education, look for a suitable course at a college. This manager wants to continue part-time academic studies while she continues working.
Setting your short-, mid-, and long-term goals is essential when is comes to creating clear criteria for success. Write down your goals in three main categories: things you went to be, things you hope to do, and things you wish to have. Use the SMART formula to help you work through the process. Be
Specific: state your goals precisely and clearly. Make sure they are Measurable - ensure that you can obtain proof of your progress and can check that you are on track. Set achievable Actions - state what tasks need to be carried out. Be Realistic - make sure your goals are a possible dream. Allow for Timing - allocate a reasonable time span for each goal.
A successful manager has clearly defined her goals on paper. The act of writing these goals down focused her mind and reflected her commitment to achieving them.
Make sure that you prioritize your goals, your strengths, and your actions. Recognize that you cannot excel at everything and prioritize accordingly. if necessary, delegate those tasks or issues that do not complement your skills. Ask yourself, "What am I really good at?", "Where do my natural talents lie?", "What do I enjoy most?", and "What will help me advance my life's goals and vision?" Being strategic about key issues at work and in your life will make all the difference to achieving a healthy balance.
A success statement provides a reference point for assessing your work and life balance. Form on that encompasses your values and purpose. Include your roles and goals. The statement will become your personal constitution, the criterion by which you measure the balance of work and life. Involve a trusted friend colleague in the process so that they can give you feedback. Let the statement inspire your decisions, influence your actions, and guide your life.
In this example, a manager has written out a success statement. The statement is a live document that the manager can update and adapt regularly to ensure that it is still relevant.
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