Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Confidence  in yourself and in your abilities is an essential attribute. you can develop self-confidence through experience and training, just as you can learn how to use your self-assurance to "sell yourself" when seeking to impress others.

you can strengthen Your confidence by dwelling on what you do well. Do not compare yourself unfavorably with others, or suppose that others are judging you adversely. If you do feel inadequate in any area, train to improve your skills. Take pride in what you have done well, and approach your tasks like a professional sportsperson: train to improve strengths and eliminate weaknesses, but recognize that doing as well as you can, and constantly raising that level, is the most that you (and others) can expect.

People continually observe and frequently judge what you are doing and how-think of yourself advertisement that is always "on air". Being scrutinized by others my feel you uncomfortable, but your confidence will improve if you know that the observations are positive. Do not be afraid to seek feedback from customers, employers, superiors, colleagues, and suppliers. Having received the feedback, act on what you have learnt. This is not the same as seeking the approval of others. You are using their informed and critical advice to improved your performance and thus to feel better about yourself. Take criticisms on board-but do not allow others to damage your self-esteem.

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