Friday, September 8, 2017


The ability to lead others is a prime attribute. To fulfill your leadership potential, learn how to get people to work with you and for you productively, using their initiative for better result. You also need to develop leaders among your staff.

To get the best from people who are working for you, it is essential to set a credible example yourself. Employees will excel themselves for somebody in whose strength and wisdom they truly believe. They also expect professional competence, part of which includes delegating task in order to increase staff members ' self-management and participation. Ascertain where your employees' strengths and weakness lie, then delegate responsibilities that will both exploit these strengths and meet the organization's needs.

Bringing competent employees to the fore is a leaders prime task. Allow others to take the initiative whenever possible, encouraging them to contribute their own suggestions and ideas.

Co-operation between a manager and his or her staff requires commitment from both sides. If you expect Co-operation, you must also give it, while still remaining in overall control. Two key questions to ask your staff are: "What do I do that stops you from doing a better job?" and  "what can I do to help you perform better ?" If you co-operate by acting on their answers, for example by investing in new tools or training if requested, you can bring about major improvements in performance. Not acting on that feedback will have an adverse effect. Your main objective as leader is to help staff to help themselves.

As a manager, you must ensure that you receive the requisite training to develop prioritizing, progress-chasing, delegation,  and motivating skill. Make these an integral part of your personal development plan, and ensure that staff members - especially your deputies - also develop their own leadership skills. Listening carefully, criticizing constructive, being tolerant of error while correcting mistakes, and retraining objectivity are all vital leadership qualities. In seeking to develop your own potential, you should also be helping others to develop theirs.

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