You need physical energy to do any job well. But the energy that makes the difference between success and failure is the mind. You can generate drive by determinedly and persistently channeling your energy towards a chosen purpose.
It is only human to have grand ideas that you never turn into reality, yet ambitious plans are often perfectly viable. What is lacking is the willpower to active them. Keep ideas alive by planning action - having the right mind-set will help to draw your attention to valuable observation that you might otherwise miss. Only abandon your plans because analysis has revealed their faults, not because mental laziness or fear have stopped you in your tracks.
Drive and energy suggest physical attributes. It is true that just as some people are born with great physical power, so certain psychological gift are innate. But there is a critical similarity between the physical and the metal. Everybody can choose and reach a target for personal success. By concentrating on that objective, you will generate drive towards achieving the end. You can multiply your energy by channeling it towards the purpose on which your mind is set.
Everybody can set themselves a target for , say, running faster, which can be reached by training. Even though most people will never even approach the speed of the real athletes, their performance can still improve markedly.
There are times when giving up the right policy. But it can work like a self-fulfilling prophecy . Because you are willing to stop, the activity stops, whether it is learning a new language or starting a new business. Many people stop short of their full potential by abandoning a project before reaching their original goal. It may still be within reach, in which case you should carry on. On the other hand, everybody knows examples of people fruitlessly chasing impossible targets. Before deciding to give up, analyze the possible outcomes. If the upside still greatly exceeds the downside, mobilize your drive and energy to pursue the desired conclusion.
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